Buy American and Foreign Trade-Dependent Markets: An Analysis of Issues and Remedies

Buy American and Foreign Trade-Dependent Markets: An Analysis of Issues and Remedies

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Laurie A. Babin
Zita Zalai


Miles de empleos en Estados Unidos se contratan por fuera cada mes; los defensores del proteccionismo argumentan que la pérdida de empleos nacionales son un resultado directo del traslado de procesos a otros países y de las importaciones. Por otra parte, el movimiento proteccionista Buy American y su respectiva influencia directa afectan a los comercializadores estadounidenses de industrias dependientes de las importaciones y las exportaciones debido a los potenciales conflictos entre los Estados Unidos y sus socios comerciales. Los mercados objetivo, locales y externos, se vuelven inalcanzables, mientras que empresas que son dependientes de importaciones experimentan dificultades para la importación de sus insumos. Este artículo se enfoca en los temas relacionados con Buy American que enfrentan los empresarios de Estados Unidos analizados desde la dimensión internacional, legal y ética. Igualmente, se analizan las acciones pasadas y actuales tomadas por las empresas de EE.UU. en esta materia, las ramificaciones de estas acciones, y las recomendaciones para las empresas afectadas por este movimiento.

Abstract: Thousands of American jobs are being outsourced each month, and protectionism advocates argue that domestic job losses are a direct result of off-shoring and importing. On the other hand, Buy American, a protectionist move, and its direct consequences, hurts U.S. marketers in industries dependent on imports and exports due to the potential conflict between the U.S. and its trading partners. Target markets become impossible to reach, both at home and abroad, while importdependent firms experience difficulties importing their inputs. This paper focuses on issues of Buy American faced by U.S. businesses, the international, legal and ethical dimensions of these issues, past and current actions taken by U.S. businesses in this matter, ramifications of these actions, and recommendations for businesses affected by this movement.

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Biografía del autor/a (VER)

Laurie A. Babin

Associate Professor in Marketing in the College of Business Administration at the University of Louisiana at Monroe. She graduated from Louisiana State University in 1992. She was at The University of Southern Mississippi for sixteen years before joining the faculty at the University of Louisiana at Monroe in 2007. Dr. Babin received her Ph.D. in Marketing from Louisiana State University.

Zita Zalai

MBA Student at University of Louisiana at Monroe. Graduate Assistant for the Center for Business and Economic Research at University of Louisiana at Monroe