Influences of antecedent rainfall and hydraulic conductivity on landslides triggered by rainfall occurrence using the model SHIA_LANDSLIDE
Influences of antecedent rainfall and hydraulic conductivity on landslides triggered by rainfall occurrence using the model SHIA_LANDSLIDE
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Human and economic losses generated by landslides occur every year in all countries; however, the impact of landslides varies considerably according to local geological conditions and socio-economic vulnerability. Although the occurrence of landslides has impacted the Colombian Andes for a long time, few studies considering rainfall as a triggering factor have been carried out in our country. SHIA_Landslide (Open and Distributed Hydrological Simulation & Landslides) is a conceptual and physically based model to analyze shallow landslide processes by incorporating a comprehensive distributed hydrological tank model that includes water storage in the soil coupled with a classical analysis of infinite-slope stability under saturated conditions. This paper evaluates the influence of antecedent rainfall and hydraulic conductivity on landslides triggered by rainfall using the SHIA_Landslide model. The results obtained in this study are similar to those presented by different authors in the literature. Soils of highconductivity values only need short and intense rainstorms for failure, and the antecedent rainfall conditions donot play an important role for these kinds of soils.