Medellín-Aburrá River Streamflow and Flood Analysis Model for its Stream Restoration Proposal
Medellín-Aburrá River Streamflow and Flood Analysis Model for its Stream Restoration Proposal
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The basin of Aburrá-Medellín River is located at the central range, in the center of the department of Antioquia. The river is born in the Alto de San Miguel at the Caldas municipality and it goes through 10 municipalities until it finally merges with Grande River, where it changes its name to Porce River.
The stretch of Aburrá-Medellín River included between the source and its entrance to the Caldas municipality has suffered severe degradations of its natural conditions due to the exploitation of construction material. It has also affected resource availability and its quality.
The project aims to formulate river restoration alternatives for some stretches of Medellín River that present elevated levels of anthropic affectation. For the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses, HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS and Iber programs were used as technical support to establish the restoration measures. The results of this project will help as support for other major projects such as the POMCA, Bio 2030 project and Medellín River Park.